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As far as tapping the head I am going to need to have it off the truck right?
WELL did you already put the motor in??? my motor was on a stand when i did it. but other wise yes you will have to take the head off.. and the gm head bolts arent reusable as i was told on here so i bought the ARP ones anyways for 180$ rated for nitrous and they are reusable... maybe a the route to go. you may as well just pull both clean everything, have the heads resurfaced and then youll know for sure its all been gone through. also if your doing a cam its probably going to be easier to swap the springs and stuff with them off. take your time bro otherwise in a month you will find yourself taking stuff apart again to add mods or w/e else its just easier to do at the start then when EVERYTHING is clean and plugged in and buttoned up... just my 2 cents. i tapped my head and as far as i can tell the motor never gets past 160 degrees. so im assuming its pretty darn close.