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Thread: 4L80 conversion

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    The Garage

    4L80 conversion

    So I read this article:


    and I am unclear on 2 things.

    1-I have an '06 Silverado (not an Avalanche), what do I do about the driveshaft? Do I take it to a local shop, have it shortened and a yoke for an 80 installed? What about the larger output shaft on the 80? Can I buy a driveshaft for an HD with yokes that will plug right in?
    2-How exactly do I plug the 80 into the harness, being that my truck came with a 60?

    ~ Forged engine of some type ~ Ball bearing turbo of an unconfirmed size ~ 4L8000 trans ~ Beefy fuel system ~

  2. #2
    I do have the tubular crossmembers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    The best solution regarding the driveshaft is to get the correct one made after all the measurements have been made. Now, many ppl remove the 60e slip yoke and install the 80e slip yoke.
    This works sometimes, however, be sure the yoke slips into the tailshaft far enough. I like to see about 1/2" of slip yoke sticking out; just enough for movement. If there isn't any travel for the yoke, you'll beat up the trans.
    The yoke is about $80, get yourself a good spicer ujoint as well.

    As for the electrical side.
    We offer a PnP harness. Simply plug this harness into the trans, and the other side of our harness into the original trans harness.
    We supply an ISS harness as well, plug that in and run the two wires to the pcm.
    Using all new OEM connectors and terminals.

    Flash a pcm using an HD vin or use hptuners beta version Segment Swap utility.

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