Trans was replaced at 109K due to slippage. Got another new rebuilt from an 05. Never liked the way the trucks shifts from 1-2 gear. It feels almost like it shifts twice. I hoped the rebuild trans would be different but its the same. It has a different feel tho from 2-3, it seems to slightly rev rpms before the shift. This is under moderate acceleration. Under fast acceleration, it shifts better. The 1-2 shift has never felt right. Love the truck, dislike the trans. Ive searched this site and just ordered the corvette servo hoping this will be my cure. Figured Id try this then step up to the billet if neccessary. I really dont want a hard shift such as how it does in tow mode. However, in tow mode- I dont get the awkward 1-2 shift.
Sorry so long, but also if you step on it at higher speed, the downshift takes forever and then it drops all the way to 2nd. I noticed on the billet servo kit- they boast that kickdown is faster with their kit. Is that true? Is this how everyone elses shifts? Any help would be appreciated. Ill post back after the servo swap too.