Nick1, I admire your tenacity!
to help you out a bit....
The info that Foggy posted a cople years ago is about all that is needed. But you will need a basic understanding of all the terms used in the DTC trouble shooting bulliten in order to resolve your problem.
Print it out and read the entire thing, not just the flow chart, a few times. Look up (google) the things that you don't understand or don't know what they are, look like or are located. Find the other diagrams that are mentioned and study those too.
The fuses are under the hood , look in your owners manual, there should be pics and drawings.
ignition switch can cause problems or DTCs with anything (not just trans) that it is failing to suppy power to.
the first part of Foggy's DTC chart explains exactly what has to be going wrong in order for your pcm to set that code.
Get a pinout of the trans plug and the computer pinout , study those and if you need to you can test the wires for shorts and opens with a five dollar multi-meter.