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so i checked the fuel pressure and it is between 50psi and 60psi, checked sparked and there is spark on both banks, checked every fuse and none of the are blow. what else can it be, is there anyway to troubleshoot a bad pcm.
Did you do the old screwdriver in the plug wire testing spark on the manifold?
are the injectors firing?
like they said, maybe vats?
do the security relearn and see if that helps. if not, have your turner turn off vats in the pcm, if that ain't it, maybe the first thing you should try, get a test pcm.
Bad crank or cam sensor or broken wire in either one of them. Ohm out the wire from connector to PCM and check for a good circuit. Swap them with known good sensors.
Also, try a test noid light on the fuel injectors to see if they're firing.
how do you do the security relearn, i think am gonna pass by the junk hard to pick up a pcm, because I cant turn off the vats, really i cant change anything on pcm with my hp tuner. so hptechsupport said that my pcm lost its vcm id #, so it can only be retune if i have the year/model license, which i dont have, i did the single license. NOW that i think about it all this started when the trucks security light came on, and then i couldent do any changes to the file. thanks for the help.:hyper2:
did you try a download complete operation from the PCM to the laptop?
you should have got 8 credits when you bought HPTuners and your PCM only should require 2 to license the PCM. You should be able to download the tune from the PCM and view it in the editor if you don't have any credits available. Where are your 8 credits?