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Thread: 98 5.7 vortec swap to LM7 5.3l need wiring help

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Edmonton, AB, Canada
    Would you say it's easier to use both computers? that way i wont have to mess with the wires going into the cab etc correct?

  2. #32

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Edmonton, AB, Canada
    I think I'm in way way over my head haha.

  4. #34
    i thought the same thing. now i'm doing a swap into an IS300. it's really not that bad.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quakertown, Pa.
    Some wiring diagrams certainly help in these type of situations. Here's one for your truck:


    Not sure of the year of the new engine, but I would consider looking into getting one for that year as well to see what the differences are between the 2 vehicles for all the systems you are asking about; i.e. guages etc.
    '93 Chevy 1500 4X4 ECLB with a '99 Silverado LQ4 6.0 and '99 Escalade 4L60E. SOLD IT!!

    New toy: 2001 2500 HD 4X4 Extended Cab Long Bed


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Mount Gambier, Australia
    These projects are very daunting initially, but I found if I printed off as much info as I could find, and I was lucky to get a very good CD for the GEN111 vehicles(Aussie versions), that it made the job a lot easier. I did my own wiring mods, and found the wiring diagrams I had made it so much easier.
    So, really it means plenty of research, and print as much as possible.
    Certainly the 2nd conversion would be so much easier.
    1978 C20 short bed pickup, GEN111, 4L60E trans.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quakertown, Pa.
    Ian, I agree. I modified the stock 6.0 harness with the help of various web sites, Youtube videos, and genuine GM/Chevy service manuals with the wiring diagrams and all other pertinent info needed for such a task. While doing the swap, I swore to myself a few times that I would never do it again. After completing it, and finding out how much it was worth it, I would do it again, although there would be some things I would do differently. Live and Learn!!!
    '93 Chevy 1500 4X4 ECLB with a '99 Silverado LQ4 6.0 and '99 Escalade 4L60E. SOLD IT!!

    New toy: 2001 2500 HD 4X4 Extended Cab Long Bed


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Edmonton, AB, Canada
    Thanks for the support guys, im gonna keep working at it. Im gonna use both computers just for simplicity, and will probably eliminate the black box when I have a better understanding. From what i can tell i have the ls harness pretty much done. I need to work on the fuse block, setting up the obdII and the electric fan, and ofcourse tearing down the old wiring harness.

    Can i use the factory fuseblock for powering the electric fans and powering the harness?

    Can i get rid of the white sensor plug on the oil pan? i think its the oil level sensor.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quakertown, Pa.
    I can't see why you can't use the factory fuse block for the electric fans. The fans have to run on separate relays though. The relays are powered by the PCM which senses engine temp and turns them on when the temp goes up.

    You don't need the oil level sensor. I left mine in but took the wire out of the harness.
    '93 Chevy 1500 4X4 ECLB with a '99 Silverado LQ4 6.0 and '99 Escalade 4L60E. SOLD IT!!

    New toy: 2001 2500 HD 4X4 Extended Cab Long Bed


  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Mount Gambier, Australia
    One of the advantages of buying a whole vehicle to get the bits for a conversion is that you have plenty to choose from. I used the fuse box from my donor car, so things like the fans(from the donor car as well as the radiator), and fuel pump relays were all there with the wiring ready to go. I just basically wired the ignition wiring from the PCM straight to my trucks ignition switch. It wasnt as easy as it sounds, but not that bad.
    So, I suppose what I am saying is, get as much gear you can from the engine vehicle.
    Just makes it a lot easier in the long run.

    And I nearly gave up a few times as well. Just take a break for a while if it gets to you.
    1978 C20 short bed pickup, GEN111, 4L60E trans.

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