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Thread: NA cam VS FI

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Pat g... "Custom spec'd" a cam for a man a town over running a 403 Stroker. His cam card is 1 degree on exhaust and I think 1 different on lsa then my ots polluter camshaft... That is my opinion of pat g. If he was any kind of guru he would charge people for him to direct them to the ots cam they need. Not take credit for others work... And spec the ones out that need spec's out.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Honeywood, Ontario
    When I got my "specs" from Pat G it was an off the shelf cam. The Comp 212/218 high lift. What a joke. I went to Geoff at EPS, told him what I wanted. And his reply was "I have a cam that damn near suits that perfectly, but we'll tighten up the LSA on it a couple degrees and it should be perfect" and he didn't charge me for that. Took I think 4 months to get it, but I'm very happy with it.
    2006 Silverado
    Little Black Bitch

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Geoff is good but like you said, better not be in a hurry for anything lol

    04 RCSB 5.3, Homemade 80mm FM, TU1, TH400

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Pittsburgh, PA
    yep another story of a typical Pat G cam...there was a big write up on him on HardcoreLs1 about a yr or 2 ago...
    Quote Originally Posted by Show&Go View Post
    Pat g... "Custom spec'd" a cam for a man a town over running a 403 Stroker. His cam card is 1 degree on exhaust and I think 1 different on lsa then my ots polluter camshaft... That is my opinion of pat g. If he was any kind of guru he would charge people for him to direct them to the ots cam they need. Not take credit for others work... And spec the ones out that need spec's out.
    2002 Lightning - GT headed 5.5Litre w/ Twin 7665s
    2002 Silverado - 427Lsx w/ Twin gt4202s
    2010 Silverado crewcab Z71 - 5.3litre w/ procharger
    2000 Wrangler - 5.3litre with some stance
    2014 Xsport- 3.5 Eco boost
    412 Motorsports

    it ain't that I'm too big to listen to the rumors, It's just that I'm too damn big to pay attention to 'em..That's the difference

  5. #35
    Wait people actually pay him to pick a cam for them?

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    South Carolina
    had a long conversation with geoff at engine power systems today about specing cams...I really dont see why everyone is bashing on pat g?? Maybe he does spec cams that are similar to proven off the shelf cams but if they are proven to work in certain situations then why change it?? Also who's to say that comp, or someone else didnt get the specs for their off the shelf cam from someone like pat g or geoff? Goeff said he sat down and specd a wild cam for a 454 lsx motor and not too long after he was looking in the comp catolog and there was an off the shelf comp cam with the same specs!! Not every single set up will require some off the wall custom cam specs...some set ups may benefit the most from an off the shelf cam. While on the other hand some may benefit more from a custom specd cam... And when these guys spec a cam they arent gonna hit the nail on the head with it everytime, as they are only human. We need to give them some margin for error... Pat G specd a cam for my N/A set up im running now and i had geoff look at the specs and he said he didnt see a dam thing wrong with it, that it should work great with my set up and he wouldnt change a thing about it......So there is my .02 about the subject on pat g custom specd cams
    2008 GMC Sierra SLE....370ci LY6 with some goodies SOLD
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  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Pittsburgh, PA
    heres the reason.....why pay someone 25-40 dollars just so they can pull a cam off the shelf and say they actually spec'd it when actually it was an OTS cam...so hes not charged with fraud he changes a degree or two and calls it custom
    Quote Originally Posted by chvy=power View Post
    had a long conversation with geoff at engine power systems today about specing cams...I really dont see why everyone is bashing on pat g?? Maybe he does spec cams that are similar to proven off the shelf cams but if they are proven to work in certain situations then why change it?? Also who's to say that comp, or someone else didnt get the specs for their off the shelf cam from someone like pat g or geoff? Goeff said he sat down and specd a wild cam for a 454 lsx motor and not too long after he was looking in the comp catolog and there was an off the shelf comp cam with the same specs!! Not every single set up will require some off the wall custom cam specs...some set ups may benefit the most from an off the shelf cam. While on the other hand some may benefit more from a custom specd cam... And when these guys spec a cam they arent gonna hit the nail on the head with it everytime, as they are only human. We need to give them some margin for error... Pat G specd a cam for my N/A set up im running now and i had geoff look at the specs and he said he didnt see a dam thing wrong with it, that it should work great with my set up and he wouldnt change a thing about it......So there is my .02 about the subject on pat g custom specd cams
    2002 Lightning - GT headed 5.5Litre w/ Twin 7665s
    2002 Silverado - 427Lsx w/ Twin gt4202s
    2010 Silverado crewcab Z71 - 5.3litre w/ procharger
    2000 Wrangler - 5.3litre with some stance
    2014 Xsport- 3.5 Eco boost
    412 Motorsports

    it ain't that I'm too big to listen to the rumors, It's just that I'm too damn big to pay attention to 'em..That's the difference

  8. #38
    Join Date
    May 2008
    No one is saying pat g don't know his stuff. Dude may be a beast. BUT understand. Somewhere someone designed a cam. If he changes a number here and there and calls it his. He STOLE that man's work and charged YOU for it. So you payed him to find a ots cam that would work well with your set up and payed him to put his name on it. IMO if there is a ots cam that would work great he should charge people for his expertise. And him direct the customer to the correct cam for their application. It's not saying the person can't pick a cam, or in some cases design a hell of a cam, it's saying that being honest is important still. If he charged someone 20 bucks for him to look at every aspect of their set up wrote down some numbers and it turned out the same as a grind that is already offered and he told the customer that. Well his rep wouldn't have gotten so much hell. The fact his cams work isn't in question. It's that someone else did the work before he called it custom is.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    Seriously sounds like a lot of jealousy here. The guy has obviously spent a ton of time doing research, buying cam application software, analyzing data from customers and successfully selecting a camshaft that works well for their particular application. You might as well be calling anyone who used someone else ideas a fraud when they take their idea or design and adjusts it for their needs. I'm a fraud, I took an STS design and modified it to fit my application. Who hasn't copied other's ideas and inventions?
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by RedHeartbeat View Post
    Seriously sounds like a lot of jealousy here. The guy has obviously spent a ton of time doing research, buying cam application software, analyzing data from customers and successfully selecting a camshaft that works well for their particular application. You might as well be calling anyone who used someone else ideas a fraud when they take their idea or design and adjusts it for their needs. I'm a fraud, I took an STS design and modified it to fit my application. Who hasn't copied other's ideas and inventions?
    How are u a fraud? You just said you took someone else's design and used it. Nothing wrong with that. You give credit to the original there.. But if you said " I came up with a rear mount kit for the trucks. I don't know who sts is" that would be approximately the same thing. I feel from business stand points. If he specs a cam that comes out as a ots cam. He charge the customer for the expertise and tell them to get the ots cam.
    If I asked you to pick me a cam using your knowledge. Which is superior to mine. And you pick me a tsp 228/228 does that make it a redheartbeat custom cam?

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