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Thread: VSS issue in 6.0 swap in 94 4x4

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    So the trans is shifting good now that the speedometer wire is disconnected?
    Check pin location and do the suggested above. We've done it that way like others have and it works.

    Let us know

  2. #12
    I found my diagrams, here's how mines wired.
    Green wire pin 50 on the green or red pcm connector, then behind your glove box, find the light blue wire coming out of the drac, pin c15(this feeds directly into the cluster). I clipped this wire and spliced it straight into the green wire from pcm pin 50.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quakertown, Pa.
    Quote Originally Posted by slow94 View Post
    I found my diagrams, here's how mines wired.
    Green wire pin 50 on the green or red pcm connector, then behind your glove box, find the light blue wire coming out of the drac, pin c15(this feeds directly into the cluster). I clipped this wire and spliced it straight into the green wire from pcm pin 50.
    +1 to the above.
    '93 Chevy 1500 4X4 ECLB with a '99 Silverado LQ4 6.0 and '99 Escalade 4L60E. SOLD IT!!

    New toy: 2001 2500 HD 4X4 Extended Cab Long Bed


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Caledonia, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by Mickeymotormount View Post
    Speedo wire should come from the PCM. The VSS wires go to the PCM and the PCM processes that info and sends the signal directly to the speedo on another wire. Should be a dark green/white wire from pin 50 of C-2 connector(Red or Green,depending on year).
    Thanks! thats a very good tip right there, exactly what I was looking for! So on the transfercase what are the 2 sensors? I am pretty sure the very rear one is the vss whats the one before that. Do I do anything with that first sensor on the tcase?
    Silverado Z71 10" Lift COMPLETE 6.0/4L80E PRC 2.5 Ported LS6 Heads 228r Comp Cam 3200 CIRCLE D Stall LS7 Lifters ARP Bolts SLP Oil Pump and Double Timing Chain 160 T-Stat 3" SLP Loudmouth Electric Cutout Walbro 255 Pacesetter Longtubes MSD Starter NELSON Harmess NELSON Street/Strip Tuned ECM MSD Wires LS1 Throttle Body Braided Lines Spectre CAI 4.56 Gears Detroit Locker 14 bolt http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/lsx-t...wap-build.html

  5. #15
    The first sensor/switch on your transfer case is used to engage the 4wd actuator in your front axle, it also illuminates your floor shifter, and signals the pcm when you have shifted to 4lo, it also has some function for 4wal/rwal.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Caledonia, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by slow94 View Post
    The first sensor/switch on your transfer case is used to engage the 4wd actuator in your front axle, it also illuminates your floor shifter, and signals the pcm when you have shifted to 4lo, it also has some function for 4wal/rwal.
    So I just leave that first sensor alone? Dont do anything with it?
    Silverado Z71 10" Lift COMPLETE 6.0/4L80E PRC 2.5 Ported LS6 Heads 228r Comp Cam 3200 CIRCLE D Stall LS7 Lifters ARP Bolts SLP Oil Pump and Double Timing Chain 160 T-Stat 3" SLP Loudmouth Electric Cutout Walbro 255 Pacesetter Longtubes MSD Starter NELSON Harmess NELSON Street/Strip Tuned ECM MSD Wires LS1 Throttle Body Braided Lines Spectre CAI 4.56 Gears Detroit Locker 14 bolt http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/lsx-t...wap-build.html

  7. #17
    Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, its the sensor in the middle of this picture? If so, it has a seperate harness and will need to be hooked up or you will not have 4wd. This wire engages your front axle actuator. By shifting the transfer case your engaging the driveshaft, but it will only free spin.

  8. #18
    All of this is assuming your still running the 94 ifs and np241 that came in the 94 originally

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quakertown, Pa.
    Looks like mine on my '93. The tailshaft sensor is the VSS that goes to the PCM. As depicted above, that sensor shown goes to the floor shift lever.

    I left everything original except for hooking up the 4wd Low wire from the PCM. That is something that needs to be done. Since the drivetrain will be spinning at a much slower RPM compared to engine speed in the 4 Low position, the 4 low wire from the PCM must be grounded so the PCM "knows" the drivetrain is in 4 low and shifts the trans accordingly. I mistakenly removed that from my modified original harness and now must repin the PCM and find how I can get the wire grounded in the 4 Low position. It will take some doing but I figured I'd mention it so someone else doesn't make the same mistake I did.
    '93 Chevy 1500 4X4 ECLB with a '99 Silverado LQ4 6.0 and '99 Escalade 4L60E. SOLD IT!!

    New toy: 2001 2500 HD 4X4 Extended Cab Long Bed


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Caledonia, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by slow94 View Post
    Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, its the sensor in the middle of this picture? If so, it has a seperate harness and will need to be hooked up or you will not have 4wd. This wire engages your front axle actuator. By shifting the transfer case your engaging the driveshaft, but it will only free spin.
    I am pretty sure that is it. It looks a tid bit different. My vss looks like its on the tail shaft of the tcase. Then the 4wd actuator plug ( or whatever you want to call it) is in the middle. I think we are on the right track. So keep the middle plug the way it is. Dont touch it, dont splice into it etcc.....?
    Silverado Z71 10" Lift COMPLETE 6.0/4L80E PRC 2.5 Ported LS6 Heads 228r Comp Cam 3200 CIRCLE D Stall LS7 Lifters ARP Bolts SLP Oil Pump and Double Timing Chain 160 T-Stat 3" SLP Loudmouth Electric Cutout Walbro 255 Pacesetter Longtubes MSD Starter NELSON Harmess NELSON Street/Strip Tuned ECM MSD Wires LS1 Throttle Body Braided Lines Spectre CAI 4.56 Gears Detroit Locker 14 bolt http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/lsx-t...wap-build.html

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