We get along okay, other than he's a Ford queer! Not sure on the set up but I know his best 1/4 mile is 13.5
Last edited by twodogs; 03-21-2013 at 09:08 PM.
I'll tell him he's been called out and if he doesn't want to race that you said he's a big pu$$y, he's a former marine so that ought to get him motivated
That sounds about right
Text my brother a while ago and told him about (1fstgmc) wanting to race him and he said I quote " why did you do that?" then he proceeds to tell me that their is to much snow on the ground, again with the excuses. So maybe when the snow melts and the stars align I can talk him into racing, but that leaves a lot of time to think of more excuses.
You meant marine biologist right, cause that doesn't sound like any Marine I know. Driving a f@rd or not!