Like I was saying if it were me I would either mill the 317's down and port them or just port out the 862's. Keeping the compression up is going to help the out of boost driving.
T-RAV99 GMC | 5.3 | Skinny White Guy Tuned
also gonna run a 76mm turbo.. debating on spending the extra $$ for ceramic BB over the journal style.. also trying to decide what size wastegate bov to run..
Hey bro, welcome to the site. I'm the one that was mentioned earlier, stationed here at Offutt. I MIGHT be going out to the strip this Friday. Hit me up through PM if you wanna get together sometime. Got any Pics of your ride?
Anywhere between 38 and 50 would be fine for a WG and BOV. I can't imagine you'll be pushing the boost too high. Maybe 10 lbs?
I'm from the Lavista Ne. Area. All I can tell you is Nelson Tune. Nelson Tune. Nelson Tune. They are the best. Welcome.
Welcome from Ft.Riley Kansas, only 3hrs from Omaha but a good scene in the KC area
04' RCSB, LQ9, Front mount T76, TU1, Circle D 3K, Built 4L60E, True Trac, 3.42:1, 4-6 Drop
how many have u built or tried?
That will do just fine, and if you can find a nice LS6 cam you will be even better.
Just depends on your goals. Journal bearing will spool a tad slower, but is just fine for most everything and much cheaper. One thing you don't want to try and save $$ on is a waste gate. Get a good brand, I prefer Tial. Bov is not as important unless your planning on going over 10 psi.
single digit street truck
for build info
The best advice I have ever heard:... Only take B( . Y . )ST advice from someone that is CURRENTLY running a turbo setup close to, or bigger than what you want......
hey bro, lol ya know i ve been goin out to the track every friday nite for a while! ill be out there this friday for sure! Ill be with my wife,daughter and my dad.. yeah ill get some pics posted for the boost, yeah 10lbs untill i get bored with it,lol then its go up probably no higher than 14 though.. yeah ill pm ya too. we take my dads cutlass out occasionally had it out last friday.. i dont have anything to run rightnow.. hopefully spring time though if i can get everything done,lol
thanks! and that is now my plan!when it is tune time. I used to have a buddy that lived out in la vista, that was several years back though.
Oh yeah im pretty familar with the KC area... not nessecerally, the 'racing" type scene.. for years ive built lowriders, over thelast few years ive kinda changed paces and love going fast,lol
Welcome, can't go wrong with a NP tune.
2000*GMC longtubes nelson tune, built trans,trutrac circle d 278 mm stall 373 posi,100 shot of dope and 228 232 588 595 cam.