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Thread: Schoenfeld HEADERS...experienced users...ANY problems or regrets??? Pros/cons?

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  1. #1

    Question Schoenfeld HEADERS...experienced users...ANY problems or regrets??? Pros/cons?

    Weighing options for headers to install in a '93 C1500 with an LS2. Just checking in to see who may have done this same LS/GMT 400 swap and if there were any clearance issues, 02 bung positioning problems, regrets, pros, cons, any advice at all on the Schoenfeld install. I've heard good about them but not too many details. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Arlington, Tx
    i have used one of there ls1 swap headers on every 88-98 swap i have done. no issues with them at all and they have good clearance just about everywhere.
    i actually have a truck in the shop right now that we are using these headers on, im going to start a thread on it this evening and ill have some pictures of it and the headers on there.
    12617 FM 917
    Alvarado, TX 76009

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Galveston, Tx
    When you order them pay the extra money for the ceramic coating...I wish I did

    95 C1500 LM7, built 4L60e, Circle D 3200, LT's, Nelson tune, open differential, 3.42, and LS1 e-fans. Tractionless

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Arlington, Tx
    Quote Originally Posted by silverado_lover View Post
    When you order them pay the extra money for the ceramic coating...I wish I did
    yes, they do come un-coated of coarse and will look like hell in a few months if you dont put anything on them.
    x2 on the coating!
    12617 FM 917
    Alvarado, TX 76009

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Galveston, Tx
    Mine looked like hell right out of the box!

    The box rubbed off the paint in numerous spots so on top of the $250 for the headers I dropped $310 to have them coated locally.

    95 C1500 LM7, built 4L60e, Circle D 3200, LT's, Nelson tune, open differential, 3.42, and LS1 e-fans. Tractionless

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Round Rock, TX
    Only downfall is they only make them in 1 3/4". And don't even want to talk about 1 7/8 or 2". X2 on getting them coated.

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