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Thread: Ditching 4wd

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    San Antonio, TX Area
    Damn, that's nasty.
    "ALisSa1 Silverado"
    1990 Chevrolet RCSB 2002 Chevrolet Camaro LS1/4L60E
    Scrimpin Ain't Easy
    ( . Y . )

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Round Rock, Texas
    Your hub didn't fail. The rotor is still there. Loose lug nuts most likely.
    cjriojas:if you're weather man is a 5 gallon bucket, YOUUUUUUUUUUU might be a redneck
    danger_ranger83: I see now why it cost so much to get a harness made... FML
    2boostedSilverado: I like Casey's rear end, I want to chat with him about it

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Broken Bow, OK
    The axle shaft holds the hub together on a 4x4, less likely to separate even if it fails. Look in the bolt holes in the wheel, they will probably be elongated if the lugs were loose where it worked around a bit. Pretty easy to spot on aluminum.
    I'm getting the wrench out and checking both our rides tonight after seeing this.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    The most common cause for studs on a wheel to shear is over-tightening. The studs have a shear point and when you get them too tight they stretch and then shear off. I've seen it on many vehicles including one of my own when an over-zealous tire shop put them on too tight. I drove just a few miles down the road before all six 1/2" studs broke clean off. Luckily my tire stayed under the truck as the brake drum landed inside it.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Mesa, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by RedHeartbeat View Post
    The most common cause for studs on a wheel to shear is over-tightening. The studs have a shear point and when you get them too tight they stretch and then shear off. I've seen it on many vehicles including one of my own when an over-zealous tire shop put them on too tight. I drove just a few miles down the road before all six 1/2" studs broke clean off. Luckily my tire stayed under the truck as the brake drum landed inside it.
    Interesting. Never would have thought about that.
    99 GMC | 5.3 | Skinny White Guy Tuned

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Crowder, OK
    Quote Originally Posted by bangbangskeetskeet View Post
    Here are the few pics I have:

    See how the center of the wheel where the lugs go is mauled pretty bad? That makes me suspect loose lug nuts for one reason or another. Either they came loose or your stuff was tampered with... you never know. I swapped wheels on my 69 once and less than 30 miles later the front drivers side was wobbling and loose. That was after the impact and breaker bar had been on them. You just never can tell.

    1969 Chevy RCLB C10 350/TH400 SOLD
    2007 Chevy RCSB 4.8 4x4 LS SOLD
    2008 Chevy RCSB 5.3 4x4 LT SOLD
    2010 Chevy CCSB 6.2 4x4 LT SOLD
    2005 GMC CCLB DRW 6.6 Duramax 4x4 191,000 and counting
    2013 FORD CCSB F350 6.7 Powerstroke 4x4

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Plainfield, IL
    I worked at a tire shop for 6 years. Seen waaaaay too many of these. 2 stars and a circle by hand/ impact at about 8o-100 ft/lbs...then star and circle with a torque wrench. (oddly enough ONLY time I ever use mine)
    blown transmissions are about as useful as 97% of the guys on this forum

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Mesa, AZ
    My truck is a head turner around here for one reason or another...loud exhaust, loud subs, blacked out, and also the way I drive. So I dint see someone attempting to steal the wheels being out of the question. But again...who knows if it they just came loose over time or if someone tampered with them.
    99 GMC | 5.3 | Skinny White Guy Tuned

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Honeywood, Ontario
    Ouch man that sucks, always re-torque them after a few miles too. 140 ft lbs is GM spec.
    2006 Silverado
    Little Black Bitch

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ouch is right, I hate to this man, hope you get it all back together quckly!
    2013 EC Silverado aka redruM (Just a couple bolt ons.)
    2007 RC Silverado aka ?
    1998 Trans AM aka Red Dragon

    "Your pull your truck to the track on a trailer, I race you with a truck that pulled a trailer to the track."

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