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Thread: New in Houston

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX

    Hi wht6,

    Welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy it.

    It was nice talking to you today and your tune should turn out nice, those 6L's have a lot in them. There is another member here that gained some impressive times with the 87 octane as well. I believe it was about .5 tenths.

    So what's next on the mod list?

    talk to you later,


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Marcos Texas
    Welcome! Hope to meet you in person at HRP at the GTG.
    2006 Superior Blue Trailblazer SS AWD, Stock as a rock

    Sold: 2002 GMC Sportside Denali front end with a 2002 LS1, FLT level 5, Yank 2600, Trick Turbo, T76, Nelson intercooler, 60LB injectors, Warbro fuel pump, Eaton locker, Magnaflow, 3.42, Nelson Performance Tuning (speed density).

    Sold: 1981 GMC LB RC 1500 2002 4.8L 4L60E 12 bolt 3.73 Richmond Lock Right AC PS Nelson Performance tuning

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    West side of Houston, Spring Branch
    Farmtrk: Next mods I am not sure of yet. I want to keep this a solid street drivable business truck. I do, however like the SC very well and it appears that it is a common adder. Is this a daily driver bolt on?

    GMCLS1: The GTG looks great does the group meet at any specified location or is there a thread that gives all the info?

    thanks to both
    2005 ECSB 5.3

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Marcos Texas
    http://www.ls1tech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=176258 Most of us post on this forum too.
    2006 Superior Blue Trailblazer SS AWD, Stock as a rock

    Sold: 2002 GMC Sportside Denali front end with a 2002 LS1, FLT level 5, Yank 2600, Trick Turbo, T76, Nelson intercooler, 60LB injectors, Warbro fuel pump, Eaton locker, Magnaflow, 3.42, Nelson Performance Tuning (speed density).

    Sold: 1981 GMC LB RC 1500 2002 4.8L 4L60E 12 bolt 3.73 Richmond Lock Right AC PS Nelson Performance tuning

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    West side of Houston, Spring Branch
    Geezzz after reading that thread how could anyone not go. sounds like a great time. I will come and represent the west side chevy. My Nelson tune should be here by Friday so I will be good to run 7/11. WOOOOHOOOO
    2005 ECSB 5.3

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