Quote Originally Posted by HotRodV6 View Post
yeah i can see in theory how on paper this might work, but in the real world i don't thing there would be enough flow thru the PCV valve to make any real difference.

But if somebody were to send me one, id install it and post up the results, just not sure i could drop the 200 bucks to try it out.

Ditto. I'd like to try it out but not for that much coin. There are other proven mods I'd do before that. I'd really like someone to chime in that has tried something similar. As I looked at some of the links I saw some guys mentioning trying a PCV canister of some sort. It would be interesting to hear from someone who has done it and kept good records. My neighbor is a good mechanic but I'm sure he hasn't kept records. He did take a family trip right after installing it and thought the mileage was better. I wonder what it does for engine longevity, if it's taking that crud out of the crank case so it doesn't end up back there and doesn't go through your engine if it would improve engine wear?