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Thread: 01 Yukon wont stay broke long enough to fix

  1. #11
    ff_jeff Guest

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    try leavin the pressure gauge on there for a while to see if it drops? or maybe you've already done that
    2009 CHEVROLET 1500 with a MONSTER 4.8 between the frame rails!!

    Tuned by LSX Powersports ~ 4.10 ~ JBA Shorties ~ 4" Inlet/Outlet Spintech ~ Airaid Coldair
    CST 3.5" Spindles ~ Camburg Upper Control Arms ~ 2.5" CCM ~ FFR Tie Rods
    Full Throttle Suspension 3" Lift Blocks ~ Soft 8s wrapped in LT285/70/17 Silent Armors

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Baton Rouge, LA
    Any chance that key has a chip in it that has lost it's link with the 'Kon?

    A lost association will yield what you're talking about. I only say this b/c you said you switched keys, and it started right up. Has it always happened ONLY when using her keys, or both?

    Just another angle to look into.
    Test-n-Tune (Nov 23, 2008) - 13.65s @ 98mph

  4. #14
    ff_jeff Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by 1BADC10 View Post
    Any chance that key has a chip in it that has lost it's link with the 'Kon?

    A lost association will yield what you're talking about. I only say this b/c you said you switched keys, and it started right up. Has it always happened ONLY when using her keys, or both?

    Just another angle to look into.
    thats why i sent him the links for the vats eliminator, it is that.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Baton Rouge, LA
    Quote Originally Posted by vff_jeff View Post
    thats why i sent him the links for the vats eliminator, it is that.
    But why not have the dealership quote a reprogram price... worst they can tell you is it'll cost ya $40 to reprogram (if that's really the issue).

    I'd be curious as to how the bypass kit works, and what's the downside to using it. Sounds like this is to eliminate VATS all together. I wouldn't do that to mine, but to each his/her own.
    Last edited by 1BADC10; 12-03-2007 at 12:07 PM.
    Test-n-Tune (Nov 23, 2008) - 13.65s @ 98mph

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    North Georgia
    Quote Originally Posted by 1BADC10 View Post
    Any chance that key has a chip in it that has lost it's link with the 'Kon?

    A lost association will yield what you're talking about. I only say this b/c you said you switched keys, and it started right up. Has it always happened ONLY when using her keys, or both?

    Just another angle to look into.
    I'm not sure. That isnt something I have paid attention to before now. It may have been a coincidence that it cranked with the other key but I dont think so. I have done some searching and heres what I have found so far:
    The main possibilities are: 1. Bad lock cylinder. 2. Bad ignition switch. 3. Bad IPC. 4. Bad ECM. 5. Wiring problem to either of these components.
    Im still not sure about the security system. How does this thing work? What triggers it?
    The Corvette inspired Silverado is now rolling strong!


  7. #17
    I'd honestly try to see if the key is the problem before tearing into any wiring!!

  8. #18
    Ok a couple things you should check for when this is happening. 1. Is the security light on when you try to crank it and it wont start. That alone will tell you if it is security!! 2. Try using the other key almost immediately. Don't give it time to reset or whatever it's doing that cases it to start out of nowhere. 3. Have you ever heard of something called identity theft?? It is a little security system that GM was doing for a few folks for free for a while with new purchase and some service vehicles. Anyway, if you have Identity Theft, there will be a little keychain thing on your key ring. IF the battery dies in it, you have to physically press the button on the key chain(The button does not look like a button till you press it and the light lights up on the key chain deally.) 4. Check the wiring of the Keyless start, they could've tapped into a line or cut something else that is now giving this truck an intermitant signal through the wire!!! Especially grounds! 5. Last thing I can think of right now is if you checked or changed you sprkplugs lately??

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    If your starter circuit is active then you can eliminate the remote start side as they are not wired into the ignition but rather just interrupt the starter circuit. However with GM's Passlock Security System all remote starts need a bypass module to get around this system. Passlock is designed to kill the fuel pump if the "key" isn't inserted into the ignition this differs from VATS because the old system had a resistor value in the key itself, with this all you had to do was bust the ignition switch out and you could still start the car ( and steal it) not much of a security system, with PasslockII it's ( the resistance value) in the ignition switch itself with the key being a part of the value of the switch assembly and there is no fast way around it in a parking lot or side of the road. With out the "key". If you had a security light then your Passlock is triggered and they only are designed to trigger when they don't see the "right" key the system learned with. Your installer had to use a bypass module and this module installed in this same circuit bypassing it when you use the remote start option. Could be related but I doubt this is your problem because you had fuel pressure but its something to be aware of and eliminate off the list. This system cant be accessed with out a GMTec 2 and a Gm TIS puter is need to do the relearn. ... Get your codes downloaded I'm sure it will be a better starting point, whatever happened it coded I'm sure.

    P.S. That 86 of your's defines CLEAN! nice job.
    Last edited by AK5; 12-18-2007 at 05:15 AM. Reason: Forgot to give props on the 86
    1990 K5 Blazer (current project) Already done: 4" lift, Skyjacker Springs on front, DIY4x4 flip shackles on rear 1" ORD body lift with Energy Suspension body bushings.Auburn ECTED Lockers front and rear in 8.5's spinning 4.11's, Yukon Axles all around T&A girdles, JB Conversion SYE NP241, Almost done: Stereo; pair Kicker 3.5's in dash, pair Kicker SS65.2's in custom 'glass kicks four Kicker SSMB8's in 'glass boxes in rear pillars, two Kicker L7's 15" Alpine iDA-x0001, two EQl's, two 25toLife Punch 45's, 75's & one 150......To Be Done:LS6 & 80e swap DIY4x4 bumpers, Warn 9.5si winch, 150 series Mattrack tracks on all for corners and just for giggles 250hp wet shot.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    North Georgia
    OK. got it scanned and it had 2 codes.
    1) B2960 Security system data wrong but valid
    2) B2961 Key in ignition circuit fault

    My buddy is getting with alldata. Anybody had any experience with these?
    The Corvette inspired Silverado is now rolling strong!


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