Thanks for the quick response! I'm in no hurry for a motor. There is nothing wrong w/ the 5.0 that is in the truck other than it's a 5.0!

I missed out on a great deal on a 6.0 (30k miles, w/ computer, wiring harness, O2 sensors, exhaust manifolds, and first 12in of exhaust for $1500) b/c I had to get new furniture! (damn women!

I'm like everybody else! I want to feel like I got a good deal but I don't want to buy JUNK either. Some of the 6.0's I've found are $3000-6000 and I don't feel like that's a good deal. It's either that, or they've to an ASSLOAD of miles! Realistically, I'd like to spend no more than $1500 on the motor. [/b]