Had my stock 2001 Camaro SS harness modified, like alot of LS1 conversion guys do, to a stand-alone style. There is a large,(I'm guessing 12 gauge) purple wire labeled "Starter Solenoid - Keyswitch" that I'm not clear on how it is to be used. Should I just extend its length so it can reach the starter solenoids small solenoid stud, as is...or is it intended to be the trigger wire for a relay, thats powered by keyswitch power?...or what??? I might mention that I have the other "constant 12volt power" & the "keyed power only" harness wires already hooked up & when I turn the key on, there is no voltage indicated at this purple wire. Wiring is not my best attribute, but I'm learning. Thanks again for any help you can give. Gar