Ok, we've all seen it before with the hotrod powerstrokes and cummins, but I saw a guy take it to another level the other day. The last time I went to Ennis for Friday night test and tune, there was a dude in a newer Z-71. Looked like 16" Ralleye wheels off of a 95-96 truck. Hit the box, purged, we are talking massive shot of, then proceeded to melt rubber, and we are not talking about a regular burn out here ladies, this was of epic proportions.
Then he cut loose at the line. I'm guessing he launched in 4 HI, then went into 2. All this excitement with this truck, we didn't even see what he was running. A new Cobra is over there w/ slicks and other Bull @#%*, Anyway, they run and the truck blows the slowbra out of the water. No times at the end of the track, I was a little pissed but oh well. From what I hear the guy had a 5.3 w/ ls1 heads and cam, all the boltons you can think of and the
. Big converter and big gearing all around. this thing was horribly good looking too. Has anybody seen this truck or one like it around?? Does anybody else do this either??