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Thread: 6.0 Stalls when depressing clutch pedal if AC is on

  1. #1

    6.0 Stalls when depressing clutch pedal if AC is on

    This is probably the last thing I have to figure out and the search button didn't get me the answer. My tuner claims he can change the engine decel speed to avoid this but I want to know if there is a more direct way.

    She runs great and never stalls ever when clutching as long as the AC is off.
    When I switch on the AC, my fans draw full current and the extra load causes an occasional stall when I depress the clutch. Gets scary trying to turn through an intersection and I lose steering and brakes with 38" tires mid-turn. Is it as simple as connecting something in the AC system to the AC request line on the PCM? Has anyone done this? I have no problems idling in a parking lot as the engine always catches the drop in RPM and adjusts accordingly. Its when I'm physically driving that the issue occurs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Fixing it in the tun is probably the simplest and best way.

  3. #3
    We did adjust for it in the tune. At this point it seems to be ok. Still logging some miles to see how it holds up. The downside is that the idle speed was raised to 1000. I believe he added some timing which pretty much makes the 1000RPM like a brick wall. I'm just not used to the slightly higher idle though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    you should be able to find a happy medium. You're not cammed are you?

  5. #5
    Stock for now. Just got my wideband installed. Hoping to dial things in a little bit more. I have decel pop every time I clutch and the wideband is confirming a rather rich condition when I come off the gas. Ran the ac while driving out on the beach for a good hour yesterday. Never stalled so that's good.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Central Texas
    stock cam. 1000 rpm idle wow

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    If your not satisfied with the 1000rpm idle fix, and can't find an answer in the tune, you may want to look into getting a PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) efan controller to avoid the giant electrical hit when you turn on the AC... I run one from here: http://www.dccontrol.com/

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Galveston, Texas
    Make him put your tune back right and do this :

    It will up the idle and all the timing correctly at idle and all driving speeds. Pay close attention to the PCM hook ups. Those need to all be accurate and correct for this to work. If exactly like the diagram pcm side you're good to go. You can disregard the fan wiring if you already have that taken care of. Be sure to ground pin 55 Red
    1992 Full size blazer 5.3 Swap successful.
    Galveston, Texas

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Can you explain the rocker switch to me? what is its purpose? Wouldn't you want to use the AC command relay ground to activate a relay instead?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Galveston, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Wagonbacker9 View Post
    Can you explain the rocker switch to me? what is its purpose? Wouldn't you want to use the AC command relay ground to activate a relay instead?
    The rocker switch is for a fan override. If you do not want, then you can ignore that part.
    1992 Full size blazer 5.3 Swap successful.
    Galveston, Texas

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