So I was screwing around with my CAI yesterday since my truck's been running like POO and noticed my TB caked with oil. Stuck my fingers in it and when I pulled them out they were black with oil. I didn't pull the TB to check the inside of the intake but I figured it'd be pretty much the same. I was reading up on Sea Foaming my engine and read about people bending rods and I really don't want this to happen to me at this point in time. I've got a little over 140K miles on my truck and I've never done an internal clean of any type. My main concern is with the amount of buildup that's probably in my engine a large chunk of POOP will seperate from its current location and find it way to my cylider and jack something up.
I gathered from reading the sea foam posts that if done slowely, and in proper amounts, putting it through a vaccum line is safe, in regards to it pooling in one cylinder, but is this something I should do?????![]()