Hey there I'm Todd from Eldridge, IA. Not to many people have performance trucks up around this area. Lot of buddies have mullet bullets (ls camaro's). I have a 99 s-10 that i did a 5.3 conversion with a t56 from an 02 camaro.
Hey there I'm Todd from Eldridge, IA. Not to many people have performance trucks up around this area. Lot of buddies have mullet bullets (ls camaro's). I have a 99 s-10 that i did a 5.3 conversion with a t56 from an 02 camaro.
99 rcsb S-10 5.3 w/ t56, flowmaster 40's, custom reground cam, yellow ls6 valve springs, 3.73 posi, Z06 replicas 17x9.5
OMG I have a new friend.
98 rcsb dd
abosolutely nothin cept flo
& Nelson Tune
lookin for project
bangbangskeetskeet: how big is it v?
mean05: about 8''
txarkitekt: I will drink you under the table!
nice job bro... welcome
MY GARAGE - http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...ns-garage.html
2004 GMC Sierra - RCSB
Welcome! Good lookin truck mayne!
T-RAV99 GMC | 5.3 | Skinny White Guy Tuned
Right on man. Whats it run?
06 Intimidator SS- Tuned, CAI -DD
03 Silverado- Last incarnation 13.6... RIP
Ls1, Pnp heads, Polluter camshaft, spray, 4k stall on the way
"Seize the day like you seize your noodle" - Shin Chan
slow. . . I have only taken it to the track once and it was jan 1st so the track was rock hard. 16.01 @ 102 mph with a 3.2 60'. It's fun going through the gears thats for sure. I'm hoping mid 12's once it gets nice out.
99 rcsb S-10 5.3 w/ t56, flowmaster 40's, custom reground cam, yellow ls6 valve springs, 3.73 posi, Z06 replicas 17x9.5
thats a wicked little truck, welcome man
2006 SilveradoLittle Black Bitch
sweet truck! welcome to the site
1951 3100
1984 C10