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Thread: tranny problems suggestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    tranny problems suggestions

    Well my tranny is acting up...I have called a few of you guys for advice and am just wanting more before I do anything...

    The problem that has started is that everynow and then it shifts real hard from 1-2 and 2-3...almost as if the 2nd accumulator piston is sticking...When Tyler and I installed the shift kit we did notice that the piston was really tight on the pin so maybe thats whats causing it...Of course just the other day it got worse, it was shifting fine so I got on it on the freeway and low and behold got a p0894 code...(trans slip).

    Questions i have...and no I havent dropped the pan yet(kinda scared to see if I broke anything)

    1. drop pan and check the 2nd accumulator and possible just replace the pin and piston?(as recommended by Tyler)

    2. Just go ahead and buy a built unit(wasnt wanting to do it just yet...still dealing with the Mrs issues.) (thanks Dale for the number to mike).

    3. will the trans continue to slip worse and worse even if i drive like miss daisy?

    You guys always have the best info so I would like to hear your thoughts.

    My mods are in my sig.
    06 silverado CC Volant CAI/ Corsa Sport exhaust
    dynatech supermaxx headers/cats
    LPE GT2-3 cam/ Comp 918's/ Rods
    Eaton LSD 3.73's
    IAT Shocks
    DANNY TRANNY w/2800 TCS billet verter
    275HP and 293TQ Pre Cam
    314HP and 303TQ post cam

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    Replace the EPC and wiring harness or just put a transgo 46mod vacuum pressure control on it and see if it fixes the issue?
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Mesquite, TX
    sorry i didnt answer buddy but i was already asleep when you called last night....i left all the pressure tables stock in the trans....i say drop the pan and see if that helps anything out
    2006 silverado SS....Clifford Jr...turbo coming soon
    1970 Chevelle ly6 swap....d1 coming soon

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    if you get the tranny slip code on the freeway I doubt the forward accumulator is at fault. Did you guys replace the plastic one with aftermarket?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    yes got rid of the stock plastic piece....

    Guess I am dropping the pan this weekend...
    06 silverado CC Volant CAI/ Corsa Sport exhaust
    dynatech supermaxx headers/cats
    LPE GT2-3 cam/ Comp 918's/ Rods
    Eaton LSD 3.73's
    IAT Shocks
    DANNY TRANNY w/2800 TCS billet verter
    275HP and 293TQ Pre Cam
    314HP and 303TQ post cam

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Should have got a 80e
    Just messn with ya. Best thing to do is drop the pan, take a gander in there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    Your post describes a hard shift then talks about slipping. What gear slips? If it only hits hard 1-2 and 2-3 there may just be some debris in he valve body.

    If you do not detect a slip but have the slip DTC, there may be a piece of debris elsewhere.

    Pull the pan and look. Let's hope that's it like others have suggested.

    I agree with the above, a 1-2 accumulator probably would not cause a slip (or undefined ratio) DTC.
    Last edited by GasGuzzler; 08-28-2008 at 09:55 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    thanks guys...gonna buy a new piston and pin and replace them just in case...anything else i should do while the pan is off?
    06 silverado CC Volant CAI/ Corsa Sport exhaust
    dynatech supermaxx headers/cats
    LPE GT2-3 cam/ Comp 918's/ Rods
    Eaton LSD 3.73's
    IAT Shocks
    DANNY TRANNY w/2800 TCS billet verter
    275HP and 293TQ Pre Cam
    314HP and 303TQ post cam

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    well I have decided to just go ahead and get a built "danny" tranny....the stall should be here soon and hopefully this weekend with dannys help it should be in there...then i can tear apart the stocker to see wut is wrong with it.
    06 silverado CC Volant CAI/ Corsa Sport exhaust
    dynatech supermaxx headers/cats
    LPE GT2-3 cam/ Comp 918's/ Rods
    Eaton LSD 3.73's
    IAT Shocks
    DANNY TRANNY w/2800 TCS billet verter
    275HP and 293TQ Pre Cam
    314HP and 303TQ post cam

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    Post up the autopsy.

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