So finally picked it up 02' 6.0 out of a Denali trk with 65k, so here goes the ?'s. I have poured throught this site looking for answers and just probaly not looking hard enough.
Eng. came out of a Denali trk so what HP does it have stock?
Dont want EGR, what to plug hole in intake with?
Removed EVAP solenoid on top on intake, plug with what?
Will F-body LT's work on my trk?
Has a return fuel rail, so where is the regulator, is it on the rail?
Can i use my stock radiator or do i have to get the 99and up one?
Any 99 and up PCM work?
Bear with me, im sure i have will have more ?'s, these r the one I can think off hand!!
Oh it had FBW TB, r those better than cable operated TB's??