Well, i've been on LS1 Tech, and Performance Trucks alot lately, Researching Changing my already five speed truck into a 6 speed truck... And while There is a Ton of info on those other sites, i still like this one, because its smaller, easier to use, and theres not as many people on this one, feels like a smaller town, VS. the Big city of those other cites....
So with that said i plan on doing a T56 swap soon, I think i've found one finally, and hope to get it within a couple of weeks. This site doesn't have a good write up on that kind of swap yet, with pictures, and the whole nine yards, so i thought i would write one up to the best of my knowledge... This is the first time i've done a tranny swap of this degree, but many have told me it is as straight forward, as any other manual tranny swap... So with that said,
Heres the list of parts that i've come up with Thus Far... Feel free to add anything you think may be needed..
1. The Transmission: hope thats an obvious one haha....I've seen them anywhere from about $600(a Steal) to Brand new Strip ready $2500
2. Drive Shaft parts: The NV3500( 5spd that i have) has the Th450/4l80E Style yoke, the T56 has the TH350/4l60E Style... You should beable to find that parts at your Local driveshaft shop.... Not sure on a price yet
3. Many people say change to the F-body slave cylinder: Just a good upgrade, while you have the Tranny out......$130 new from pep boys, auto zone, Kragens
4. The Infamous Drill Mod: Not Enough Fluid can get to where it needs to go when doing high speed shifts, so here's the solutions... Freebie (for a more in depth article Click here www.InstallUniversity.com OR Manual Transmission FAQ - Look Here First! - LS1TECH)
5. LS7 Clutch: A new Clutch is easier to do while the tranny is already out, and you might as well get the good one.. Many people swear by the LS7 (IZM-LS7cPP) one being perfect for many applications on the T56..... Includes Pressure Plate, Disc, Flywheel.... All for the low Price of 489.99
6. For me I want the Shifter as far forward as possible, since the T56 Shifter comes about 12 inches farther back than my Stock 5Spd, many people go for the center console... i However want to keep my Center seat so i have looked into some parts from a company called Drive Line Components (714) 651-0829... The most they can move it Forward is 4.5 Inches... MCleoud Industries Used to make a Product called the Slick Stix Shifter, which would solve all of my problems about placement of the Shifter, but they no longer make it..
7. This one i'm not to sure about, but a new Pilot Bearing... Some say its Cheap insurance some say you don't need one.. I'll be getting a new one
8. Flywheel bolt kit If your not going with the LS7 Clutch package, then you may want to look into these bolt kits.... ARP Bolts $32.88 Summit 330-2801
9. Pressure Plate Bolt Kit.. 134-2201 $17.88
Things i've heard you need... I Haven't done all the research.. but heres a starting point for any of those that have thought about this
1. New Tranny crossmember
2. Master/ Slave Cylinders
3. Clutch Pedal
4. Polyurethane Trans mount
5. Poluurethane Lower Shift boot to reduce in cabin noise, and outside air from entering the truck.....
These are the Things i have Come up with for my 5Spd to 6Spd Conversion.. If you know of anything else, or have any advice, feel free to let me know about it... I know things may be missing, and probably are, but thats why i'm putting it on here, so you guys can help me out... As parts Start Ariving I'll start posting more pics, and try and do a thorough picture job of the whole Swap..
I hope to get the Swap Started in About 2 Weeks.... Depends on Arival Of parts...![]()