Well going home last night a kid in a new Ford FX4 pulls up on side of me at the light. Still had the temp tag. Must of been a xmas present. The light turns green and he floors it. It was wet and i had the wife and daughter in the truck so i wasn't going to race. Well get to the next light he does the same thing so i just let him go. Get to the next light he rev it up and starts brake torqing it, light goes green so i let him get the jump and i just ease into it so i don't spin and push it about 3/4 trottle and blow by him and let up. Then he does the ricer fly by. We get to the next light he wouldn't even look my way. Finaly get to a dry section of road and he didn't want to run again. It must of been the funny noise coming from my truck that scared him. whissssh I kind of felt back ruining his xmas, Naawww not really