Alright... you heard a few recommendations already. Here's one more!
I went the cheap route due to budget constraints, and was not willing to wait to get the truck running. It didn't take me 80 hours to get the wiring sorted out, but it IS tedious. <--- I know airdeano was just throwing out a number, but the time Allen spends is probably right along with this.
Anyhow, I still am considering purchasing a harness from NP to clean up the install, but don't have to b/c I have every function that you'd get from a custom harness. It can be done, but it is tedious. I'd recommend getting the Nelson Performance harness if you're not looking to invest the time to do yourself. Based on what you have, NP will fabricate all you need for additional stuff like e-fans. BTW, NP can make it to plug in place of your existing OBS fuse block terminal (at least it was offered when I inquired for my 86 C10).
Call NP, and see for yourself... or PM farmtruc. He's always responded when I had questions regarding NP's offered products. Oh yea... may as well get the PCM flashed with NP's popular performance tune. Member testimonies show it's "off da chain".