It shouldnt be too hard of a swap. However if you are looking to put serious power behind the truck it is going to cost you with this motor. Heads and intake right now are only made by one company and the prices are rediculous! I almost bought one of these motors to do the swap myself but I am a novice and the problems I ran into were too much for me to handle. This motor is only available with the fly by wire throttle body as far as I know. Also the one I was looking at had the 5 speed allison auto behind it which has a separate computer. Nelson performance was not sure what they could do with that when I called. What I did find out though was that the motor would mount right up to small block 350 engine mounts and your old big block headers will work just fine as well.

Good luck!


p.s. they have huge problems cracking pistons when you put power to them as well. The replacements from that company that does the heads and intake are better but alot of cake.