I added a beast sunshell 2400 stall verter transgo hd lvl2 shift kit vette servo alto red eagles and kolene steels. tranny is rock solid. I run a 125 wet shot at the track. the g-ride is a beast till i hit 3rd and that is where all my problems start. The nitrous seems to bog me out and my acceleration goes away like it is a sunday drive. Is my power band from the stock cam killin me or what in 3rd gear at about 3 grand she just isnt acceleratin anymore on up through the rest of the powerband. will a cam move me up a little better. I really dont have any money for a while and i guess i am just makin a wish list but I am sorta baffled by this. I have a hypertec program installed. my logic is tellin me to get a 224/224 112lsa cam and dyno tune the truck for nitous and all will be well. but as I say that process is lookin to be about 1000 bucks easy that I dont have but I am postin here to ask if that is what I should do, I can hit 13.5 right now but i am losin traction I know what to do there but iam dissappointed with the whole powerband. sorry i made this soooo long. also anybody got 2 cents on whether I should stroke out this little 4.8 or would i get better bang for the buck elsewhere? thanks for any help