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Thread: 6.0 to 5.3 swap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    galax Virginia

    6.0 to 5.3 swap

    Hello. Let me first start by sayin that I have researched and been thinkin about this for a while now. I know I will have guys say, "why" etc.
    So here is what and why. I have a 2006 2500hd work truck I use and rely on it a lot! The 6.0 in it has 230k miles and has been progressively gotten a now huge engine noise. I suspect lifter failure, galling up lifter bore. Ok I can get an engine for it used for 1600 locally. (Tried a few yards and CL, etc.) But, I have access to two 5.3 lm7 engines(CHEAP) and not to mention they are plentiful and cheap ones available, average probably 500-700$.

    I am going to swap the 6.0 for a 5.3. I know I will lose a lil hp and tq. But this will not effect the way I use this truck. So what all is needed? Spacer for my 4l80e flywheel, use 6.0 exhaust manifolds because my 6.0 has no egr. And possibly use my intake or can I use the 5.3 intake.

    Just like to know info on swap. Not how silly of an idea this is for downsizing. Its just best option for me right now.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    maybe you need t pull the engine and see what you got? maybe its not as bad as it sounds? maybe it'll be cheaper to fix ( rebuild ) than buying a 5.3 ok maybe a 6.0 lol!!

    i do see your point but without knowing exactly the problem just hard to justify swapping 5.3 into a 6.0s spot. personally id pull the head find the problem if it is indeed a lifter, maybe you'll get lucky and it may not have killed the bore, then again it can be sleeved if not mistaken ?
    Simple: 408 on steroids!
    single digits coming soon!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Las Cruces NM
    It's just as simple as pulling it and swapping all your stuff over to the 5.3 and the flywheel part. I'm sure it will even run just fine with the 6.0 tune. I'd use your intake and injectors along with your manifolds.
    97 RCSB . 2WD . 5.3 . 4l60E . E-FANS . PNP 706s . TSP 228R . 3600 STALL . HD2 . VETTE SERVO . 3.73s . 2" DROP

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    galax Virginia
    I decided to tear heads off of the 6.0 before removal and found a bad lifter. $10 and gasket kit and I'm back running now. Quiet as a mouse. Thanks for you guys help.. I still have the 5.3 ready to drop in if this 6.0 takes a dump.

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