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Thread: Shift solenoid

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Cape May, NJ

    Shift solenoid

    Has any one ever had a problem getting the cover off? I'm doing the corvette 1-2 servo and for the life of me I can't get the cover to break free. I applied pressure with a 14" pry bar and can't get the cover move so I can get the retaining clip out. Since it's just bout dark up here in the north east it sprayed the crap out of it with some wd40. I have a suspicion with all the salty roads and age of the truck two dissimilar metals have welded themselves together. What is your guys opinions?

    Last edited by CaptTrevStarr; 09-20-2014 at 07:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    Use a pick and pull on the oring that goes around the cover.
    Pull and break it. Cover comes right off

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Cape May, NJ
    I can't get the retaining ring to come out. Instruction say the cap should recess approx 1/8th" into the tranny to get to the retaing ring. Mine won't recess to access the ring.

    Thank you


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Muskogee, OK
    Lightly tap the cover a few times if you think it's in a bind. From my experience, get the longest pry bar you can fit under there to apply pressure to the cover. The more leverage you have, the easier it's gonna be. While the cover is pressed in, use a pick and pull out the retaining ring. After you get that out, gran the o-ring that's on the cover and pull it out to where you can grab it with your finger then cut it and pull it out. The cover should pull off pretty easy after that.
    2005 AWD Silverado SS-CAI, Shorties, X pipe, SLP Loudmouth II, HD2 Shift kit, Corvette servo, tru-cool 40k, Yank SS3600, 160 Stat, Nelson tune.

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