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Thread: 00 nbs 4.8 to 6.0 conversion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    00 nbs 4.8 to 6.0 conversion

    Hey guys i'm new and im sure im beating a dead horse here but I couldn't find what I was after. I have a 2000 nbs 1500 2wd with the 4.8 and im looking to swap it with a 6.0 and keep the 60 tranny. What year of motor should I be looking for to do the easiest swap? Anything I should be concerned with? As long as the motor isn't to new and the reluctor ring is the same shouldn't it be pretty much plug and play? If there is a previous thread that I missed I apologize and would like a link please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Colorado springs
    I used a 2004 6.0 lq4. It was a direct swap. The only thing i had to change was the oil sending unit over to the 6.0. I had a manual trans though, i know there is a difference in the output, mine was too short for the NV3500. But i don't think that's something you'll have to worry about.

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