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Thread: general questions about improvements

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    general questions about improvements

    hello. I own a 12' gmc 3/4t with 37k on it. first of I'd like to say that the Michelin tires that are supposedly all terrain, are the worst tire for colder conditions I have ever used. I've been stuck countless times on pathetic parking lot inclines and had to thow it into 4wd to get out- but that's not what I'm here about.

    in the search for warranty approved mileage improvements I have read many arguments on forums and heard many freinds brag Bout there borla or corsa exhaust being better or whatever without any actual data.I guess the same could be said about intakes.

    as I am not ready for the cam/head's/tune/etc upgrade, I was wondering if anyone could drop some knowledge on the subject of anything that doesn't throw red flags.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    so far I've been told corsa cat back. afe intake. balancer and electric fans.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    those sound just fine; the muffler, as long as it's a straight thru design, is just sound preference. myself, i don't like corsa or borla due to the raspy vette sound it produces.

    add a good tune from a reputable shop and you're good to go.

    keep in mind, during the 100+deg weather, that clutch fan is going to cool better than a couple efans; seen it before and that's why chevy still has the big ol trusty mech fan on the front of HD's.
    edit: i should add while towing heavy loads.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by farmtruc View Post
    those sound just fine; the muffler, as long as it's a straight thru design, is just sound preference. myself, i don't like corsa or borla due to the raspy vette sound it produces.

    add a good tune from a reputable shop and you're good to go.

    keep in mind, during the 100+deg weather, that clutch fan is going to cool better than a couple efans; seen it before and that's why chevy still has the big ol trusty mech fan on the front of HD's.
    edit: i should add while towing heavy loads.
    thanks for the reply and e fan warnings. i was on the flowmaster site and they also seem to have a decent product. you mentioned that you didn't like borla or corsa; what do you suggest?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    We like magnaflow because they are quiet and hardly any cab resonance.
    Big mufflers are quiet and small one are loud, referring to magnaflow.
    It's just preference when comparing to borla.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

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