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Thread: 5.3 going in my 97 ecsb

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quakertown, Pa.
    Looking good so far. Still some work to go before you will experience the smooth LS power.
    '93 Chevy 1500 4X4 ECLB with a '99 Silverado LQ4 6.0 and '99 Escalade 4L60E. SOLD IT!!

    New toy: 2001 2500 HD 4X4 Extended Cab Long Bed


  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Mickeymotormount View Post
    Looking good so far. Still some work to go before you will experience the smooth LS power.
    Looking forward to it,Im ordering the f body oil pan and assories tomorrow.Got my mount adapters and fuel rail fittings. Got to order the fuel fittings for the filter and return. I will probably run into something else I forgot too.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quakertown, Pa.
    Why the F body oil pan? The pan that's on the engine shouldn't have any clearance issues. I have the same pan on mine and it cleared with lots of room to spare. Mine is also a 4x4. Just wondering.
    '93 Chevy 1500 4X4 ECLB with a '99 Silverado LQ4 6.0 and '99 Escalade 4L60E. SOLD IT!!

    New toy: 2001 2500 HD 4X4 Extended Cab Long Bed


  4. #14
    My truck is 2 wheel drive and lowered,just wanted the added security of the oil pan being above the crossmember

  5. #15

    First go at it

  6. #16
    Had to slow it down a bit. I got the harness finished up and decided I would go ahead and get the extra parts I wanted and install them before I put the motor in. Gonna get cam,headers,valve springs, and my tranny was giving me some trouble so I carried it down to a buddy of mine that builds them for a refresh.

  7. #17
    got my tranny back

  8. #18
    this is how she sits as of now. Cam, stall and new ls 2 timing chain has been installed.

  9. #19
    got her in. Waiting on my brackets and pcm. Then I can order my headers and carry it to get the exhaust run.

  10. #20
    Got my pcm and bracket kit from lextech and she is up and running. Waiting on my headers now so I can install my radiator support and get this thing to the exhaust shop and start enjoying it.

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