ok well i finally got it out!!! thats a relief!! im so excited to see that tired ass thing out of there!!! heres a few pics.
almost there!
what a sight...
so its out and i hopped into the bay to cover up the gas lines and getting it ready to pressure wash tomorrow. then i looked around to see what all i needed to do next and thats when the overwhelming feeling hit me.... there is a lot to do still!!! haha but ill try not to think about it and just take it one step at a time. and yes that is the original green the truck used to be. lol im sick of seeing that everytime i pop the hood so painting that is def on my list of things to do before the motor goes in!
so mickey i got a couple questions for you since you did a similar swap. i saw in another thread that you added a presurized overflow tank. you said something about your radiator not having a pressure cap? i dont understand how not? mine does as you can see in the pic. i wont need to do that correct? and what did you do to get the oil cooler lines from the new motor to the radiator? the only thing i can think of is taking mine into a hose shop and having them crimp the new lines to my old ones. i just dont think using male-male barb fittings with clamps is strong enough/leak proof... how do i go about this?
other than that i have a lot to keep me busy tomorrow. so ill post back tomorrow evening with whats going on.