well i was driving the truck around doing some logs and went over to a friends house, on the way home i got on the gas a little and let off, when i did this the valvetrain started making alot of noise sounds like a sewing machine sorta. i searched on ls1tech and alot of people say this is normal but its never made this noise before.
also when i pulled over to investigate the truck died and wouldnt start back up, i got under the hood and saw nothing physically wrong nothing leaking nothing disconnected, i did however see my belt tensioner gave out and tossed my belt. we got it back on and the truck still wouldn't crank, it would fire for 1-2 seconds then die immediatly, i reflashed a previous tune that i knew works and still nothing, put in my lastest tune again and nothing again as well. after scratching my head for a while we disconnected the battery for about 20 seconds and hooked it back up and she fired up just fine.
could all of this be related somehow? the louder noise makes me really nervous and by the time i got home after fixing the tensioner the truck wouldnt stay running on its own and took about 35% throttle to stay running. i had to go out of town so i havent had time to pull the valve covers or anything really to see whats going on, anyone had any experience with this type of problem?