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Thread: New to the site and to LS, looking at a future swap

  1. #1

    New to the site and to LS, looking at a future swap

    Hello. Im a newbie to this site but a regular on several others.

    My name is Brad, Im 28, married with a 11 mo old daughter, living in Lincolnton, NC. Grew up in a small town in southwest Virginia. My first vehicle was a 88 K1500, 4.3 5 speed. It was my grandpas and I still have it. The truck is going to need some body work in the future and I would like to upgrade it at the same time. I will definately be installing A/C and at some point swapping to a v8. I joined the site to get as much information as I can on the 5.3 swap and what all would be needed and the cost involved. Then I can decide if I want to go that route or go easier with just a tbi 350.

    I look forward to lerking on the site.


  2. #2
    welcome aboard!!! you pick the right place to find the info you need on doing the swap.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Welcome to the club!!!

    I am currently working on my first LS swap, and I know I was surprised at how high the cost was of the swap. Good luck with your swap!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    welcome to the thunderdome.


    2017 RZR 1000 2 SEATER
    2023 RZR 1000 XP 4
    2008 LTZ DURAMAX 3500
    2023 300S 5.7
    2023 BUICK ENCORE[/B]

    The difference between winning and losing, is having a 2nd stage.

  5. #5
    Thanks to all.

    Quote Originally Posted by TRPLXL2 View Post
    Welcome to the club!!!

    I am currently working on my first LS swap, and I know I was surprised at how high the cost was of the swap. Good luck with your swap!!
    That is one of the big reasons I joined the site. I am not dead set on doing the swap. Right now Im gathering as much information as possible. This truck is a daily driver and I want it to be as reliable and easy to fix as it is now. Im not looking for speed or pulling power, I just want more then I have now. I love the idea and the challenge of going LS, but TBI 350 will suit my needs just as well and will be cheaper and easier to trouble shoot. Right now I would be looking at going with a 5.3 pullout swap. No rebuild, no upgrades, just swap and go.

    Either way I choose, it will still be at the earliest next year before I even start the swap.

    Thanks again.

  6. #6
    Well I have weighed my options and I am not doing a LS based swap. It is not what I am looking for.

    Right now I am looking at converting my truck to A/C. Then maybe next fall I will start looking into swapping a vortec 5.7 in using the existing TBI and all the small necessary tidbits.

    This is the best direction for me and this truck for two main reasons, simplicity and cost.

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