Hey guys, just checking in. I've been a member a while and using the forum as a helper in my LS swap. Just finally getting around to intoducing myself.
Hey guys, just checking in. I've been a member a while and using the forum as a helper in my LS swap. Just finally getting around to intoducing myself.
Welcome aboard. Where in Nebraska are you?
Post up some pics of what you're swapping into.
T-RAV99 GMC | 5.3 | Skinny White Guy Tuned
Lincoln. I'll try to get some pics posted up later when I get home.
Right on. Ive got family over in Lincoln.
T-RAV99 GMC | 5.3 | Skinny White Guy Tuned
Welcome to the site! .............even if I have not been here long lol
Welcome to the club!!!!
The people on here are very nice and helpful, definately no idiots here...