Anybody running drag radials on stock 17s? I've got a set of stockies laying around and am considering putting some 275/50s on for the rear.
Anybody running drag radials on stock 17s? I've got a set of stockies laying around and am considering putting some 275/50s on for the rear.
Anybody know if there will b an issue running the factory 245/70s in front and the 275/50 aka a 30 inch front tire and a 28 rear on a 2wd truck? I think my biggest concern will be with the abs acting up... hopefully it just throws a light and that's it.
you'll be just fine running those. I run a 245/70/17 up front and a 295/45/17 on the rear when I'm at the track, on stock wheels.
awesome... now i gotta find some good used drs and ill be good to go