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Thread: P0120,P0220,P1516 codes Help??

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    im having the same issue with an 02 escalade ext. clear the code then start the truck it will idle okay for a minute or 2 then go into REP, i get code 1515 and 1516, if i put the truck at about 1000rpms it wont go into REP. i had taken the intake tube off and was cleaning the TB while a buddy was opening the butterfly with the pedal in the truck, he said something about it going into REP but i didnt think anything of it at the time. i was using brake clean so im not sure if i got it on one of the sensors while the batter was connected and screwed it up. i ended up taking the TB off the truck cleaning it up and reinstalling it, with the battery connected and key on the TB was not getting any signal from the pedal. once i cleared the codes it worked but will still go into limp mode. i have checked the battery with a volt meter and it is 14 volts with the truck off. checked the wires all the way from the 2 sensors on the TB to the back of the intake. pulled hard and non stretched. checked both grounds on block not those either. should i just replace the sensors or buy a whole new TB. id use the one off my 04 SS 6.0 but it only has 1 sensor where the escalade is an 02 and has 2 sensors. any thoughts?

  2. #12
    hey man i didnt even look at your location but thats where im from but right now im stationed in nc in the military. but my question was about this tac where does it go and where did you get it?

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