looking for these style of rims
looking for these style of rims
2002 Lightning - GT headed 5.5Litre w/ Twin 7665s
2002 Silverado - 427Lsx w/ Twin gt4202s
2010 Silverado crewcab Z71 - 5.3litre w/ procharger
2000 Wrangler - 5.3litre with some stance
2014 Xsport- 3.5 Eco boost
412 Motorsports
it ain't that I'm too big to listen to the rumors, It's just that I'm too damn big to pay attention to 'em..That's the difference
thanks for the info
pm returned
I was lookin for these for my brothers ride too!
how about these GMC 17" wheels complete even with air pressure sensors?
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709
^ those are my favorite rims