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Thread: 6.0 project truck. Need advice!!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Yea damn good deal, just clean it change every fluid the plugs, get some electrical cleaner and do all the plug ins, pull the injectors and clean em, basically clean everything to the T, then fire it up, prolly wouldn't hurt to check under the valve covers, jus do some regular maintenance on it cus take my word for it, its very hard to tear these motors up.


    2017 RZR 1000 2 SEATER
    2023 RZR 1000 XP 4
    2008 LTZ DURAMAX 3500
    2023 300S 5.7
    2023 BUICK ENCORE[/B]

    The difference between winning and losing, is having a 2nd stage.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    haha yeah not easy thing to do this guy^^^ beat the shiz outta his almost daily
    ECSB 2kSierra 2wd 4.8L-K&N-HPtuners-Calspeed LT's-Magnaflow-Tahoe20's-HankookRH06

    waiting to go in... 3.90s, 214/220cam

  3. #13
    Last edited by FL_Cracker; 09-08-2011 at 02:06 AM.

  4. #14
    i was going to start with cleaning everything up, cleaning the connectors up, doing plugs and wires, fluids, compression test and starting it. one thing im worried about is oil pressure. the sensor is messed up but usually LOW, but if i hit gas it jumps around like its on crack.

    If it came down to pulling heads off id prolly just replace because for cost of a shop going through them i can buy better stock heads on ebay from a power seller. if i tear it down i want to add some hp. prolly do cam too.

    what kind of lifters do these truck have?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Newark, Delaware
    Damn! They went pretty hard wheeling that thing! Still seems like you got a good deal. Good luck getting it all fixed up.
    Big slow mud truck with a TUNE!!!!!!

  6. #16
    Oh and BTW these trucks do not fit on a U-Haul trailer.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    yes they do, pull the truck on the trailer, jack the rear of the truck up off the ramps, slide the ramps almost all the way into the storage pockets leaving about 12" hanging out and then lower the truck on the ramps. Been there done that.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    South Carolina
    how could someone torture a beautiful truck like that ???? I wish i had money to just trash a truck for the hell of it lol Sweet deal you got tho! and they have hydraulic roller lifters
    2008 GMC Sierra SLE....370ci LY6 with some goodies SOLD
    1995 C2500- LS1 swap with a mp112
    build thread- http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/lsx-t...-ls1-swap.html

  9. #19
    I tried but the guy didn't have any tools. That was my first thought. And its a 300 mi ride through mountains.

  10. #20
    He couldt afford to trash it either. He ended up using my money to buy a 98 Dodge ram. He was trying to help a friend.

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