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Thread: Can't we all just get along?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverSleeper View Post
    They tried to run me off, but with counseling I pulled through.

    for the newer members there is an ignore button, you can go to anyones profile and click ignore posts and all of the threads or posts from that person will be hidden while you read, you have the option of reading it if you want to just by clicking on it but if you dont want to it might as well not be there, ive got people on my ignore list and its quite nice


    2017 RZR 1000 2 SEATER
    2023 RZR 1000 XP 4
    2008 LTZ DURAMAX 3500
    2023 300S 5.7
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    The difference between winning and losing, is having a 2nd stage.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I'm wonder how many Ignore Lists I have made it on, haha.
    2013 EC Silverado aka redruM (Just a couple bolt ons.)
    2007 RC Silverado aka ?
    1998 Trans AM aka Red Dragon

    "Your pull your truck to the track on a trailer, I race you with a truck that pulled a trailer to the track."

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverSleeper View Post
    I'm wonder how many Ignore Lists I have made it on, haha.
    youre not on mine.....yet


    2017 RZR 1000 2 SEATER
    2023 RZR 1000 XP 4
    2008 LTZ DURAMAX 3500
    2023 300S 5.7
    2023 BUICK ENCORE[/B]

    The difference between winning and losing, is having a 2nd stage.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ponca City
    Quote Originally Posted by skinny chicken View Post
    But don't make the new guy be afraid to ask a question in fear of getting ripped apart for not knowing any better.
    This happens all to often. And affects the sites growth. We where all newbies at some point, all asked dumb questions, and have made bad cosmetic or performance choices...
    Slowest in Oklahoma...

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I have a forum web site that tanked just for this reason. I figured a web site where you could say what you wanted and not get in trouble would be great. Not the case at all. Everyone got tired of all the trash talk and went somewhere else. We went from 1000 people online everyday to none.
    We are here to share our knowledge of LS trucks and make some friends. Let's keep that going.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Spring, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by kerrige View Post
    Woah Woah Woah boys things are getting a little heated in here why all the hate. Lets all chill out and remember these are just Trucks which means that its just a hobby for 95% of us. The other 5% who make a living off this stuff like Allen, DBRods and Casey at least they have their name and job on the line. The rest of us could just about disappear off the site and not have it affect our lives. Why all the hate show a little more respect to one another and stop all the trash talk. I don't mean the healthy stuff like rivalries between G and Parker. I mean this stupid crap where everyone gets offended over stupid crap.

    All of this crap wouldn't be said by most anyone in a sober face to face situtation so lets keep stupid crap to ourselves. Opinions everyone are entitled to, but keep it reasonable and don't get offended at every little thing. Its the internet not gonna make or break your pride. Let's keep this place helpful and fun. Instead of a typing war.
    I had a bad day yesterday, I admit to being hostile and talking alot of crap... I think someone deleted over half of my post where the crap talking was taking place... Yesterday was actually the first time I have ever gotten into it with someone on this site, actually mutiple people...
    Last edited by michaelweston1@yahoo.com; 07-08-2011 at 12:18 PM.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Austin Tx.
    Quote Originally Posted by country_3030 View Post
    I love this site, but sometimes I feel that some of the senior members run off new members. Doesn't matter if he doesn't know how to use search. Help him find it but don't call him out.
    Agreed.. Ever seen that forum 101 video haha. Should be a requirement to watch that in full before you are accepted into the community

    Quote Originally Posted by skinny chicken View Post
    X2 everyone loves the site. But don't make the new guy be afraid to ask a question in fear of getting ripped apart for not knowing any better.
    Part of the reason I dont post that much over here. I am a very active member on other sites, but here I feel im going to get bashed to death for typing. I am about to start building a new 5.3 for my truck and I was going to use this site for help, but at this rate IDK

    Quote Originally Posted by tanz45 View Post
    Yeah, this isn't GMFS.
    Or Pirate4x4 LMAO.... I took a lot of crap on GMFS before I finally gained some respect. I think part of the reason is because I bought some parts from some locals and they vouched for me. Now I have no problems over there. FWIW: I dont post on Pirate, but everytime the bashing posts come up I mention it because those dudes eat everyone up. Newbies dont stand a chance. I like this site for what little I have been on, and I have questions about stuff, but I search else where, just because I dont feel like being that newbie that post that question, then gets his head bitten off.

    EDIT: sorry guys.... Foul language
    Last edited by 1SlowCC; 07-08-2011 at 10:04 PM.
    2005 Silvy CC - Lifted & Modded

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Spring, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by pl4yboy View Post
    Which brings me to my final point... you haven't gained the respect of anyone here so your opinion doesn't mean much
    Who is this directed towards and who gave you the authority to grant who gets respected and who doesnt? From my point of view, this statement seems to defer respect rather than earn it. I've been on here for over 3 years and have never once said i had the authority to deny someone respect for their short tenure on this site.

    I think some people tend to lose sight that everything that happens on this website is a direct reflection on Mr. Allen Nelson and should be treated as such. Allen has spent years trying to make this a professional gathering of hobbyists, enthusiasts, and friends. Acting in such a way that deters from this can easily be taken as insult by Allen.

    Before people try to get defensive, you should know that i am a huge potty mouth and one of the biggest trash talkers in person. But I really dont bring any of that here even though I still have my fun with a few members on here (cough Tyler cough ).

    Case in point, before you (you refers to any member) post something, think of how it reflects on you and how it may reflect on others.
    '02 Silvy: Z71 EC Step Side 5.3L Nelson tuned
    2013 GMC Acadia: SLT1 Carbon Black
    1976 Corvette Stingray: Trying to save it, progress is slow.

    ^Ricky's Sweet PS Skilz
    09/21/2010 02:31 <danger_ranger83> I'm not really worried about the looks...I want it to be fast and ugly...bc no one wants to get outrun by something ugly

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    The site moderators are cleaning the site up and the trouble makers will weed themselves out.
    If the trouble makers were gone, the site would run just fine. It has in the past and will in the future.

    I along with 99% of the site do not want a forum that requires anyone to prove them self to anyone.
    The site is setup for technical discussion, not belittling new comers and making them feel like it's wrong to post a question.
    Newbies are what makes the site bigger, they are what make it grow and make the site become more popular.
    More members, the more data we have, the more data we have, the more members will join.
    Everyone on the site has a specialty, related to trucks or not. You never know when you'll need that members help on something, so why burn bridges with someone you don't even know.

    To all you newcomers, post up, post up as much as you want, because I guarantee you, the next newbie is wondering the same thing.
    The more posts, the more searchable data you'll create for other new members.
    To all you tough guys and trolls, do what you want.


  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by farmtruc View Post

    To all you tough guys and trolls, do what you want.

    I thought we were trying to get away from all the hate and name calling?

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