Yeah that seems logical, maybe give them a call or message them from their web site.
Yeah that seems logical, maybe give them a call or message them from their web site.
2013 EC Silverado aka redruM (Just a couple bolt ons.)
2007 RC Silverado aka ?
1998 Trans AM aka Red Dragon
"Your pull your truck to the track on a trailer, I race you with a truck that pulled a trailer to the track."
Holy moly is it friday yet? im thinkin ill be there around 8 btw, what time is everyone else getting there?
Its getting closer.
2013 EC Silverado aka redruM (Just a couple bolt ons.)
2007 RC Silverado aka ?
1998 Trans AM aka Red Dragon
"Your pull your truck to the track on a trailer, I race you with a truck that pulled a trailer to the track."
Had the baby last night at 11:52 6lbs 10oz 19 1/2 inches. Not sure if I'll make it friday depends on how the wife feels
Congrats man that's great.
2013 EC Silverado aka redruM (Just a couple bolt ons.)
2007 RC Silverado aka ?
1998 Trans AM aka Red Dragon
"Your pull your truck to the track on a trailer, I race you with a truck that pulled a trailer to the track."
Thanks. I will probaly make it they are doing really good and should get to go home tomorrow
No slicks tho?
I might see if my buddy will pick them up and get then mounted friday before the track