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Thread: fuel flooding

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    fuel flooding

    I am transplanting a 6.0 from a hd early 2007 old body style into a 1931 ford sedan I have changed to a cable throttle body older computer with 411 as the last 3 numbers in the serial and o2s turned off, vatss off speedway motors sells a set up 80 psi fuel pump and filter that has a regulator and a return line. The problem that i am having is it runs good until we shut down and try to restart it acts flooded if i manually regulate it by cutting power to the fuel pump it runs great. I think it is flooding out it seems to have a lot of fuelrail pressure????????????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    Are you running it 80 psi? If so, too much pressure. Run it about 60 psi. The tune needs modified for a fixed flow rate fuel source rather than vacuum referenced variable. Flooding after shutting off is common if you have dirty injectors or a fuel pressure regulator on the fuel rail that is leaking into the vacuum reference port if your fuel rail is equipped with one.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

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