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Thread: g80 is done!!!!! Suggestions on good replacement!

  1. #21
    I'm surprised the g80 lasted this long. I put 150,300 HARD miles on it. Never pulled diff cover until it started making noise and acting up. I can get a replacement g80 ready to go with a warranty for 279.00. Or I can spend a few extra hundred and get one I dont have to worry about breaking. Decisions decisions........

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ft.Smith Ar
    It took about the same mileage for my G80..only mine blew up and left me stranded. Don't replace junk with junk, TruTrac and 4:10's are the way to go. I love mine!
    <a href=http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r113/EppersonRacin/22057387.jpg target=_blank>http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r...n/22057387.jpg</a>

  3. #23
    @Bryant. What rpm are you seeing at like 65

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Newark, Delaware
    Instead of pulling the front shaft, you could just unplug the front diff actuator.
    Big slow mud truck with a TUNE!!!!!!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ft.Smith Ar
    2k iirc with a 255/45/20. if thats wrong ill update
    <a href=http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r113/EppersonRacin/22057387.jpg target=_blank>http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r...n/22057387.jpg</a>

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    go with the tru trac. I made the mistake of replacing a open diff with a g80. Now I have to worry about it. This is of course if you plan on increasing power more.
    Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:
    Psalms 144:1

    Si vis pacem, para bellum

  7. #27
    Yea I'm def doing tru trac. Haven't made s decision on gears yet. I'm prob going to do 4.10. Not positive yet on gears. Anyone running 3.90's. What y'all think?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Honeywood, Ontario
    My opinion if you're going to go 3.90s you might as well go 4.10's. The difference would be almost nil.
    2006 Silverado
    Little Black Bitch

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