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Thread: Aftermarket Gauges with LM7 and 4l60E

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Aftermarket Gauges with LM7 and 4l60E

    I want to upgrade my gauges with my new LM7 in my 81 C10....

    Anyone ever install autometer electric gauges with factory LM7 sensors, wiring, etc..etc..?

    I'm wanting to install an electric programmable speedo, tach, water temp, oil pressure, and trans temp...

  2. #2
    Most aftermarket guages wont work with the "stock" sensors. I would buy the guages with the sensors, the temp can be put in the pass head, the oil pressure goes in place of the stock one, behind manifold drivers side.

    The speedo will work, but needs a signal right off the VSS not the PCM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    U can put all auto meter gauges in it. Like he said just get the auto meter sensors as well.

    The PCM has an output for vss signal.

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