Wow yeah insurance sucks big time man.
Wow yeah insurance sucks big time man.
ECSB 2kSierra 2wd 4.8L-K&N-HPtuners-Calspeed LT's-Magnaflow-Tahoe20's-HankookRH06
waiting to go in... 3.90s, 214/220cam
So the scheduled finish date for the truck is going to be this Friday. I ordered the HD single piece tierods from Rare Parts, Inc. on Friday and they will be shipped at my cousins shop in Cali today some time, and shipped to me by the end of the day. I had to pay out of pocket for them...only $135/side...but will only pay labor for the right side, because insurance is covering everything on the left. I will end up doing the brake upgrades when I get the truck back because he wanted to charge me an extra $250 in labor. Its something I can do in an afternoon at home for free so I passed on that.
After some discussion with my insurance agent/adjustor I feel a little more comfortable with them using the salvage parts, they said that the parts are all inspected and guaranteed for the life of the repair as long as I own the vehicle. So basically if in a year something fails they will replace it. NO questions and no money out of my pocket. Im sure that doesnt include normal wear and need for replacement and only covers a failure, but still made me feel a little better.
T-RAV99 GMC | 5.3 | Skinny White Guy Tuned