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Thread: tranny slipping?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    tranny slipping?

    I have never had this problem so i dont know what exactly this is but im guessing my tranny is slipping. i go to Drive and i give it gas and it just revves like its in Neutral so i go back to park and into Drive again and then it catches and it goes...anyone care to help? i know its a noob question but i dont have much experience with this one haha as all my vehicles before this one have been standard. and anyone care to quote me a price on a 4L80e?
    4.8, TBSS intake, no cats, no tailpipes , 3.23s, 4 in cold air, Tuned by Nelson

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    sorry stressed out from school haha but ignore the
    i know its a noob question but i dont have much experience with this one haha as all my vehicles before this one have been standard.
    standard trannys go out too lol im just too stressed to function right now but its either a true trac or the new tranny...what do yall think?
    4.8, TBSS intake, no cats, no tailpipes , 3.23s, 4 in cold air, Tuned by Nelson

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Honeywood, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Katrina06 View Post
    sorry stressed out from school haha but ignore the standard trannys go out too lol im just too stressed to function right now but its either a true trac or the new tranny...what do yall think?
    A Tru-Trac has nothing to do with the tranny. Nothing.
    2006 Silverado
    Little Black Bitch

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Ahh lol.....i was gonna upgrade one or the other...i need the tru trac to go faster but need the tranny before my 60e completely gives out. which would yall take care of first?......mid terms got my mind all out of wack haha sorry. please bear with me guys (:
    4.8, TBSS intake, no cats, no tailpipes , 3.23s, 4 in cold air, Tuned by Nelson

  5. #5
    Is that even a serous question? Trans man trans. true trac wont get you were you need to go, a trans will.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    neither a trans nor a truetrac will gain you speed. First thing first, park it on level ground and check your trans fluid level with the engine warm, idling and in park. Be sure its up to the full level.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by RedHeartbeat View Post
    neither a trans nor a truetrac will gain you speed. First thing first, park it on level ground and check your trans fluid level with the engine warm, idling and in park. Be sure its up to the full level.
    +1. make sure the fluid isn't burnt as well. If the level is full... Go ahead and change fluid and the trans filter. If your clutches are burnt U will see the remnants in the pan. For what ubhave done you will need to have some major upgrades done to constitute a 4l80e swap. A decently build 4l60e would carry u a long way.

    06 Intimidator SS- Tuned, CAI -DD
    03 Silverado- Last incarnation 13.6... RIP
    Ls1, Pnp heads, Polluter camshaft, spray, 4k stall on the way
    "Seize the day like you seize your noodle" - Shin Chan

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Thanks guys but I got a tru trac with 4:30s AND a 80e for about $1650...I'm having a hard time saying what I need to say. I have the internals for a 408 stroker new sitting in my garage is why I wanted a 80e and not a 60. Now all all I need is to find an awesome block to make the 408
    4.8, TBSS intake, no cats, no tailpipes , 3.23s, 4 in cold air, Tuned by Nelson

  9. #9
    what happened to your trans?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Not exactly sure...on occasion it doesn't grab the gear like it should. But put it back in park and then try again and put it back in drive...then it catches and then the truck moves.
    4.8, TBSS intake, no cats, no tailpipes , 3.23s, 4 in cold air, Tuned by Nelson

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