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Thread: 4l80e swap question yoke driveshaft

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Jax, FL/Aug, GA

    4l80e swap question yoke driveshaft

    Iam doing an LQ4/4l80e swap in my 95 CCSB C1500. I have everything ready except for my headers and driveshaft. The 4l80E I bought does not have a yoke on it, can I use my old yoke on my 4l60e tranny. Another question is do I have to get shorter driveshafts? or can I use the ones for my 4l60e? If I have to get new ones can I get a driveshaft on a OBS CC 3500? My old tranny is an LT my new tranny is an LS tranny?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    wichita falls, tx
    you will need a short shaft turbo 400 yoke
    ↓↓↓click pic to go to garage↓↓↓

    408, WCCHL92s, nelson tune,4L80e 3600 Circle D,
    Intro Radicalli's

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Jax, FL/Aug, GA

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    wichita falls, tx
    the bottom one is the right one, not sure about the top one
    ↓↓↓click pic to go to garage↓↓↓

    408, WCCHL92s, nelson tune,4L80e 3600 Circle D,
    Intro Radicalli's

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Jax, FL/Aug, GA
    Thanks for the info will I need a new drive shaft with this still? Or will I have to get a one out of the Crew cab 3500?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    wichita falls, tx
    u can have the yoke put on your driveshaft, the 80e is only 1/4in longer than the 60e, the mount is in a different place is the only reason you have to move the crossmember...
    ↓↓↓click pic to go to garage↓↓↓

    408, WCCHL92s, nelson tune,4L80e 3600 Circle D,
    Intro Radicalli's

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Corona, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by banker099 View Post
    u can have the yoke put on your driveshaft, the 80e is only 1/4in longer than the 60e, the mount is in a different place is the only reason you have to move the crossmember...
    Is that a fact? I have a 2007 nnbs ccsb 1500. I am doing the 80e swap and I am trying to figure out what to do about the driveshaft/yoke
    2007 GMT900 CCSB 5.3 VTS2300 Twin Screw Supercharger, Doug Thorley LT's, True 3" Duals into Dynomax Race Bullets, Nelson Tune, 4L80e w/transgo HD2-D, Truetrac, 4.10 r&p
    Need list: Stall, PLX 200 for my crappy AFR, X-pipe, GM 20's.

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