lol funny,atleast u got it running
lol funny,atleast u got it running
Hey I left a shop towel in the intake of a 2000 s10 while i was cleanin this guys K&N you know cause they don't have screens soooooo I didn't want bee's getting in there or anything. FORGOT stucked a paper towel into the throttle body. Told the guy he needed a new throttle cable.... Opps Sh*T HapPens
Think we have all done something similar. I lost a good pair of pliers once, found them when i pulled the intake off of my sbc 350 in my 86 Z28.
2013 CC 5.3
81 C10 LS1 project
Exactly Hey who hasn't lost something in a pontiac valley pan??? But in the old days you could see into the valley pan. Use a magnet no R&R needed...